# Source code of this site. This is what I use to generate my site. It is licensed under the CC0 so do whatever you want with it. ```bash #!/usr/bin/env bash for file in `find . -name '*.md'`; do output=${file::-3}.html if [ -z "$REBUILD" ] && [ -e "../$output" ] && [ "../$output" -nt "$file" ] then echo "Skipping $file" continue fi mkdir -p ../$(dirname $output) echo Generating $output from $file title=$(sed -nr 's:^# (.*):\1:p' $file | head -n 1) if [ -z "$title" ] then title="Demindiro" fi cat << EOF > ../$output $title `cat head.html` `cat navigation.html`
`pandoc $file`
EOF done; ```